Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Boston Marathon by the numbers (with some pictures interspersed for the visual learners)

26.2 miles = length of a marathon (42.195 kilometers)

113 = Yesterday – April 20th, 2009 – was the 113th Boston Marathon.

25,000 + = the number of marathoners in yesterday’s race.

500,000 = approximate number of cheerers along the course route.

8 = cheerers in my group

389 = sweaty high-fives exchanged with runners (estimated)

5 = cough drops consumed post-cheering to soothe my throat

13477 = my father’s marathon number

3:45 = the time he needed to qualify for next year’s race

3:36:25 = his finish time

8:16 = his pace per mile

2:37 = his Boston Marathon P.R. (in 1984)

2:08:42 = Deriba Merga’s winning time yesterday

8 seconds = the difference between first & third place in the women’s race.

$806,000 = total prize money awarded yesterday

$1,000,000 = how I felt watching my dad! (pride-splosion!)

363 = days until the 114th Boston Marathon. Start training. NOW!


  1. Just remember you don't want to run a marathon.

    I'm impressed by all the numbers.

  2. no no no. YOU cannot start training now. your Dad can. others can. NOT YOU. k? :) don't make me conspire with st. matt to form a we-must-keep-tiffany-from-training-for-marathon-and-injuring-herself club. because we will. ;)

    i always love a good numbers blog!

  3. It's easy to NOT train today (b/c I still have roadtrip-McDinner-yuckbelly) Tomorrow when I don't feel sick and it's beautiful out...

  4. Yay Dad D.F.!!! :-D Your numbers inspired me to go out for a run. -- Jenny


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